Roofing problems that require emergency roof repairs should be tended to as quickly as possible.

Noting this, homeowners should understand that not every problem is an emergency that demands immediate repairs, although repairs should always be made promptly.

These tips from experienced roofing companies can help homeowners understand how to identify a true roofing emergency and how it should be dealt with to reduce damage and keep everyone safe in the meantime.

What Is and Is Not Considered A Roofing Emergency?

While any type of damage occurring to a roof should be repaired without delay, emergency roof repairs are only necessary in circumstances where delaying repairs could be dangerous, resulting in health or safety hazards or significant worsening of the damage that is present.

Damage that has been developing for some time is not usually an emergency that needs immediate correction by a roofing company, although homeowners will surely want to have it repaired as soon as possible.

Sudden storm damage may not even require emergency repairs if it is minor and not likely to worsen in the time it takes to schedule a roofer to come out to repair it.

What Type of Damage Requires Emergency Roof Repairs?

Certain types of damage definitely do require emergency roofing repairs as quickly as a local contractor can arrange to handle them, when a more serious problem might result from waiting even a few days.

Homeowners noticing any of these types of damage should immediately seek services from a roofer who can come to inspect the problem on an emergency basis and start a plan for making immediate repairs:

  • Structural Damage - Any type of damage, regardless of its cause, requires emergency roof repairs if it is affecting any of the structural support system that holds up the roof. Homeowners noticing damage to their rafters, trusses, and other support beams in their attic, collapsing decking, or other problems with their roofing support risk experiencing a collapse or cave-in if the damage is not quickly assessed and corrected.
  • Fire Damage - Damage caused by fire can threaten the structural and electrical components in the roof, creating a serious safety hazard. Even after the fire is out, homeowners should have the damage assessed by a roofing company on an emergency basis to determine the extent of the damage and whether the home can be occupied until it is repaired.
  • Major Leaks Into The Home - Leaks letting large volumes of water into the home to the point that they cannot be staunched or contained in some way are damaging the drywall inside the home or leaking near electrical wires should be assessed and repaired as quickly as possible to prevent worsening damage or other safety concerns.
  • Tree Damage - Tree damage involving a heavy branch that has fallen through a part of the roof or an entire tree that has fallen on the house requires emergency roofing repairs, as both of these cases likely involve structural damage. Tree damage can also cause damage to the electrical wiring and other home components, creating additional safety risks. In these situations, homeowners should get all residents and pets out of the home and call a local emergency roofer to start the damage assessment and repair process and determine whether the rest of the home can still be occupied.
  • Substantial Wind or Impact Damage - Homeowners should contact a roofing company for emergency repairs if their roof has experienced substantial wind damage such as a large portion of the shingles or panels being blown off. Likewise, if windblown debris has impacted the house and perforated the decking, immediate damage assessment and repairs should be sought as above when a tree branch falls through the roof.

Local Roofers Can Help With Emergency Roof Repairs

No roofing damage should ever be ignored, but not all damage is a pressing emergency.

When true roofing emergencies happen, homeowners should seek emergency roof repairs quickly, to protect the safety of their homes and families.

By understanding the difference between damage that needs emergency roofing repairs and problems that can be addressed during a scheduled contractor visit, local roofers can ensure that homeowners within their communities get the attention they need at the most crucial times!

Need Emergency Roofing Help in Brookhaven Georgia?

Contact Griffin Roofing For Emergency Roofing Repairs!

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