Commercial roofing companies play critical roles in the care and maintenance of expensive retail and other commercial buildings.

To provide exceptional services to their customers, commercial roofers must be aware of the most common challenges affecting the roofing used on these buildings and how to correct and prevent them.

Below are the top concerns that commercial roofing contractors watch out for when inspecting their customer’s roofs, as they are the most commonly experienced problems that require some kind of repair.

1. Leaks

Leaking from various causes is the most common problem that roofing companies see affecting commercial roofs.

Most often, small leaks happen as a result of perforations to the roofing materials from people walking on it, poor installation when a new roof is added, or lack of maintenance.

Leaks around protrusions like vent pipes, HVAC components, and other components attached to the roof or requiring effective flashing or boots are also common.

In all cases, commercial roofing contractors must promptly search for the source of the leak, which can be challenging on such large installations, then apply a suitable repair before the damage is allowed to expand.

2. Water Ponding

Another common problem that commercial roofing companies see with many flat roofing installations is water ponding or water collecting in puddles in depressions in the roofing materials.

Water ponding is caused by the uneven application of roofing materials and inadequate drainage.

Water that is allowed to sit on the roof will eventually cause extensive damage due to leaking as the minerals in the water deteriorate the roofing materials.

3. Shrinkage of Roofing Materials

In hotter climates, the materials on a flat roof can expand and contract due to temperature fluctuations, eventually leading to shrinkage of the materials if they are not properly installed.

In places where shrinkage occurs, leaks will start, which is why experienced roofing companies recommend choosing a more resistant material like membrane roofing for roofs where shrinkage can become a factor.

4. Blow-Offs and Storm Damage

Flat roofs can be especially susceptible to storm damage such as blow-offs due to high winds and impact damage from flying debris.

Knowing this, commercial roofing companies must constantly monitor roofs for any signs of poor adhesion as well as perforations and damaged flashing that can occur after strong storms.

Proper adhesion and good flashing are essential to prevent blow-offs.

5. Age-Related Damage

As flat commercial installations age, they become less resilient due to prolonged exposure to heat, light, and general weather conditions.

The symptoms of age-related damage often appear as widespread drying, cracking, and leaking, all of which can cause extensive damage to the building if not carefully monitored.

An experienced commercial roofing contractor will protect customer roofing installations with good maintenance and then recommend replacement when chronic signs of aging are present if it is the more cost-effective choice over continuous repairs.

6. Poor Installation

Every roofing system installed by a professional roofing company must be done correctly, according to the specifications provided by the manufacturer.

A poor installation on a flat roof can spell disaster for that building owner, as shrinkage, ponding, blow-offs, and many other issues can start long before the roof installation should ever be experiencing problems.

Address Common Roofing Challenges With A Roofing Contractor

The key to longevity for any commercial roof is proper care and the expertise of a commercial roofing contractor who recognizes common issues as they are occurring and provides the correct repair.

Building owners should partner with a respected and experienced commercial roofing company for regular inspections and maintenance to ensure the longevity of their expensive roofs!

Need Commercial Roofing Companies in Decatur Georgia?

The Contractors at Griffin Roofing Are Ready To Help!

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