A common cause of damage that requires residential roof repair is poor ventilation under the roof.

It is also one of the most overlooked issues that residential roofing services deal with since many homeowners don’t understand the importance of such ventilation.

Inadequate attic ventilation can cause serious damage to the roof as well as the entire home.

Homeowners can prevent costly home and roofing repairs when they become aware of how critical good ventilation is and hire a professional roofer to assess theirs.

What Is Roof Ventilation And Why Does It Matter?

Roof ventilation is the airflow through the attic space under the roof deck, which enters through various intake vents located lower on the roof and exits through exhaust vents positioned higher up.

No matter what type or design it is, every roofing system requires proper ventilation to prevent overheating and other interior conditions that can cause serious problems.

Without adequate ventilation, costly roof repairs are often the result of the type and extent of damage that can be caused.

In addition to the physical damage that can result from inadequate ventilation, roofing services also highlight the connection between ventilation and home energy efficiency as well as indoor air quality.

What Problems Can Poor Ventilation Cause?

A roof that suffers from poor ventilation can experience numerous problems that require different roofing repairs:

  • Shingle Damage - A poorly ventilated roof can destroy asphalt and wood shingles by overheating them, serious damage that often requires replacing the whole roof. Asphalt shingles may blister, curl, and lose their adhesion while wood shingles can warp, curl, and split, inviting leaks in all cases.
  • Interior Condensation - An attic space that overheats and cannot properly ventilate can get damp on hot days due to condensation. The presence of condensation often causes other problems that require extensive roof repairs when it is not possible to maintain a cool and dry under-roof space.
  • Structural Damage - Water damage caused by active leaking from shingle damage or under-roof condensation can eventually cause the wooden structural components like the decking, rafters, and trusses to rot. Left uncorrected for a long period, this can create an unsafe home environment where roof collapse is possible.
  • Mold Growth - Moist, hot spaces can grow dangerous black mold, another roofing repair issue that can extend far beyond the roof. Mold can contribute to structural rot in the attic, destroy insulation and personal items stored there, and circulate throughout the home to cause other problems.
  • Poor Indoor Air Quality - Mold growing in a hot, damp, and poorly ventilated attic can destroy indoor air quality as spores get sucked into the HVAC and circulate through the home. This can cause serious health concerns such as allergies, upper respiratory infections, and others.
  • Reduced Home Energy Efficiency - An overheated attic that cannot properly vent often passes that heat down into the home, making it harder to cool during the hottest months and increasing wear on the cooling system.

How Do Roofing Services Fix Ventilation Problems?

As damaging as ventilation problems can be, they are fortunately easy to detect and resolve.

Based on airflow tests performed by a roofing service and any physical signs that an attic space has been overheating, it is possible to assess whether existing ventilation amounts are adequate or should be improved.

When this determination is made, additional intake and exhaust vents can be added based on the design of the roof to create more natural airflow through the space.

In cases where the home design makes getting enough natural airflow more challenging, power vents that force air through the space can be added.

Protect Roofs With A Ventilation Assessment

One of the most common, yet under-recognized causes of damage that requires expensive roof repairs is poor roofing ventilation and the problems that arise from it.

Yet with a yearly inspection from a professional roofing service, it is possible to monitor attic ventilation and resolve airflow issues before they become a serious problem.

Homeowners can prevent expensive roofing repairs of all kinds, including those related to poor attic ventilation, with regular inspections by an experienced roofer!

Need Home Roof Repairs in Smyrna Georgia?

Contact the Roofing Repair Experts at Griffin Roofing!

Call 404-998-8984 To Schedule Your Repairs Today!