Roofing in Brookhaven Georgia

Why Nail Pops In Your Roofing Are A Common Problem!

2024-06-26T09:40:52-05:00|Categories: Roof Companies in Sandy Springs Georgia|Tags: , , , |

Nail pops are a problem that roof companies sometimes encounter when inspecting or repairing shingle roofs.

It is a common concern that roofers see in cases where a roofing installation was not properly done or has experienced some other issues leading to this problem.

Read on to learn about roofing [...]

Summer Heat – Don’t Let It Destroy Your Roof!

2024-06-26T09:22:19-05:00|Categories: Roofer Companies in Decatur Georgia|Tags: , , , |

Prolonged exposure to sunlight and extreme heat can cause serious damage to roofing, destroying it faster than expected.

Though roofing materials are designed to protect everything beneath them, roofer companies do frequently encounter roofs suffering from extreme heat damage in especially hot regions.

Fortunately, there are ways to slow the [...]

Which is the Better Choice – Synthetic or Felt Underlayment?

2024-06-26T09:36:27-05:00|Categories: Roofing in Atlanta Georgia, Roofing in Buckhead Georgia, Roofing in Decatur Georgia, Roofing in Sandy Springs Georgia|Tags: , |

Underlayment is a critical roofing component that works with the top materials to create a breathable, yet watertight roof.

For more than a century, this roofing component was only made from felt in various thicknesses, the thicker and more protective, the better.

Today, roofing underlayment is also available in synthetic [...]

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