Roofing in Buckhead Georgia

Which is the Better Choice – Synthetic or Felt Underlayment?

2024-06-12T22:54:35-05:00|Categories: Roofing in Atlanta Georgia, Roofing in Buckhead Georgia, Roofing in Decatur Georgia, Roofing in Sandy Springs Georgia|Tags: , |

Underlayment is a critical roofing component that works with the top materials to create a breathable, yet watertight roof.

For more than a century, this roofing component was only made from felt in various thicknesses, the thicker and more protective, the better.

Today, roofing underlayment is also available in synthetic [...]

How Can Leaks Be Prevented in Roof Valleys?

2024-06-12T22:56:18-05:00|Categories: Roofing in Buckhead Georgia, Roofing in Sandy Springs Georgia, Roofs in Buckhead Georgia, Roofs in Sandy Springs Georgia|Tags: , |

Classic roofs with pitches and valleys are common and appealing in many styles of architecture; however, those valleys tend to be problem roofing areas when not properly protected against leaks.

When having a new roof installed, be sure to use roofers who will use the right materials and methods to [...]

How Can Tree Damage to Roofing Be Prevented?

2024-06-12T23:01:20-05:00|Categories: Roofing in Buckhead Georgia, Roofing in Sandy Springs Georgia, Roofs in Buckhead Georgia, Roofs in Sandy Springs Georgia|Tags: , |

Trees are beautiful and an important part of the landscape even in more urban areas; however, they can also be extremely damaging to roofs when not properly maintained.

Whether trees surround a home to create a picturesque setting or are planted in front of and around commercial buildings, the roofing [...]

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