Roofing Contractors in Buckhead Georgia

Why A Healthy Roof Is A Happy Roof!

2024-06-12T22:54:46-05:00|Categories: Roofing Contractors in Buckhead Georgia|Tags: , , , |

Of all the components that come together to create a house, none are more important than the foundation and the roof.

Unfortunately, many roofing contractors come across homes where the roof is sick and suffering, in need of substantial attention after years of neglect.

Keeping a roof healthy with regular [...]

Keep Roofs in Better Shape With Impact-Resistant Shingles!

2024-06-12T22:54:02-05:00|Categories: Roofers in Decatur Georgia, Roofers in Sandy Springs Georgia, Roofing Contractors in Buckhead Georgia, Roofing Contractors in Sandy Springs Georgia|Tags: , |

In regions where severe weather is common, roof contractors get frequent calls to make storm repairs that include impact damage due to hail and other causes.

One way that homeowners can lessen the need for these roofing repairs is by installing impact-resistant shingles during the next roof replacement.

Premium impact-resistant [...]

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